Hair pills what ingredients should they contain

Hair pills can be helpful in hair care. It is worth remembering that the health and condition of our hair is influenced by many factors, only some of which depend on external care. Shampoos, conditioners and masks will properly affect our hair only if the functioning of our body properly regulates its growth and durability. Falling out, dry hair may be a symptom of significant vitamin or mineral deficiencies, which hair pills help to replenish.

Hair tablets complement their proper care. However, it is worth remembering that the first step to maintaining their good condition should always be a balanced diet, providing a variety of ingredients and based on fresh, unprocessed products.

However, if we cannot or are not able to eat in this way, or we try to make up for the "damage" caused in the period of a poorly diversified diet, we can reach for drugs and dietary supplements that will improve not only the condition of our hairstyle, but the health of the entire body and even well-being.

The vitamins and minerals presented below can be supplemented in a natural way, so their sources in food are given, or they can be successfully used in the form of tablets.

In the latter case, remember that the absorption of these ingredients will not be as effective as with natural sources. Significant in the effectiveness of supplementation is the concentration of a given ingredient, usually described in a weight unit, micrograms and the daily norm of consumption. Do not worry that this standard is multiplied several times, precisely because of the limited digestibility.

Proper care and supplementation is the basis in the fight for thick and shiny hair. Merz Spezial Dragees is a dietary supplement that, thanks to the unique composition of vitamins and microelements, will help maintain the healthy appearance of your hair.

Hair tablets: B vitamins

The B vitamin complex is a classic hair strengthening supplement - these vitamins can be found in all tablets dedicated to the condition of the hair. So what are the benefits of vitamin B supplementation? They are involved in metabolism, the work of the circulatory system and the nervous system. Vitamin B deficiency is manifested by dry skin and hair, but also by depressed mood or problems with concentration. Importantly, their durability is negatively affected by food processing, which may result in the fact that even with a balanced diet, we do not provide enough of these elements.

Vitamin B1 - thiamine - Its effect on the skin and hair is particularly important. Not only is it an important element in the biosynthesis of amino acids that make up hair, but also regulates the work of sebaceous glands. Its deficiency can lead to oily hair, as well as problems with clogged pores and acne.

Natural sources: liver, legumes, yeast, nuts.

Vitamin B2 - riboflavin - another important component of amino acid synthesis and fatty acid metabolism. Responsible for hair growth and regeneration.

Natural sources: liver, cheese, almonds, eggs, salmon, legumes, wholemeal bread.

Vitamin B3 - niacin - its role in the body is related to the metabolism of nutrients in order to release energy. It is also important in the formation of erythrocytes and the work of the circulatory system, including providing the right amount of nutrients and oxygen to the skin and hair.

Natural sources: meat, legumes, potatoes, sunflower seeds, yeast.

Vitamin B5 - pantothenic acid - is involved in metabolic processes, has an impact on the production of hormones, neurotransmitters and fatty acids. It has anti-inflammatory properties and promotes wound healing. Its deficiency may be manifested in disorders of the circulatory system, such as numbness and tingling of the limbs, nervous, as well as depression, and also has a huge impact on the hair and may result in hair loss and graying. Additionally, vitamin B5 is involved in the process of creating keratin, which is the main building protein of hair.

Natural sources: liver, mushrooms, avocados, eggs, nuts, royal jelly, bananas.

Vitamin B6 - another extremely important vitamin related to the production of amino acids, influencing blood pressure and heart function. By supplementing with vitamin B6, we support the process of creating new hair.

Natural sources: chickpeas, potatoes, bananas, buckwheat.

Vitamin B7 - biotin - the ingredient most often mentioned in advertisements for hair supplements. It affects the synthesis of keratin, i.e. directly on the condition of the hair, its thickness, shine and elasticity. It also plays a role in metabolism and energy storage, as do other B complex vitamins.

Natural sources: liver, eggs, whole wheat bread, spinach, tomatoes, nuts, cheese.

Hair pills: minerals

Let's get acquainted with a few macro- and microelements, the supplementation of which will help us if we have problems with hair loss, brittleness and dryness.

Iron - Iron deficiency can lead to anemia, which is already a serious medical condition, but hair loss can be one of the first symptoms of a lack of iron in your diet, which is worth responding to. The problem may especially concern people on slimming diets or vegetarians, because the iron contained in meat is very well absorbed. Iron is involved in the production of red blood cells and, above all, it is a component of the blood that transports oxygen to the cells.

Natural sources: liver, wheat bran, eggs, beans, parsley.

Zinc - zinc can help dry and falling out hair, as it regulates keratin synthesis, so it is very important in the process of hair formation. We can also supplement zinc when we want to accelerate their growth.

Natural sources: eggs, pumpkin seeds, parsley, beans, mushrooms, lettuce, legumes.

Magnesium - a mineral associated primarily with the work of the circulatory system, which is a macronutrient directly affecting the most important processes taking place in our body. Its deficiency will also negatively affect the skin and hair. Unfortunately, it is easy to get magnesium deficiency - it is rinsed with coffee, tea, alcohol, and stress and physical activity also have a negative impact on its level in the body.

Natural sources: cocoa, spinach, pumpkin seeds, wholemeal flour, nuts.

In the case of fat-soluble vitamins and minerals, there is a certain risk of overdosing, so do not exceed the doses recommended on the leaflet and watch your body's reactions. However, we do not have to worry about too large portions of water-soluble vitamins, i.e. B vitamins and vitamin C, their excess will be excreted in the urine.

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