Do eyelashes grow and turn gray

Do eyelashes grow all life? Do they turn gray over time? How is it? If you are curious - check it out. By the way, we suggest how to take care of your eyelashes to make them beautiful!

Our eyelashes grow, fall out, and new ones grow in their place. This is the way things are. Therefore, the applied false eyelashes fall out - along with the growth of new eyelashes, which replace the old ones.

With age, eyelashes become weaker, more susceptible to damage, and may also turn gray. Theoretically shorter hair - armpits, pubic hair, eyebrows and eyelashes should go gray later than our hair on the head, but remember that graying is a natural process. Only age can be disturbing - what to do if eyelashes (and not only) turn gray too early?

Do eyelashes turn gray? Reasons for graying eyelashes:

  • premature aging of the body,
  • chronic stress,
  • poor diet (vitamin and micronutrient deficiencies),
  • chemical treatments,
  • some diseases - e.g. vitiligo, diabetes, kidney disease, problems with the ovaries,
  • smoking.
  • Let's start with the diseases that are behind the graying of eyelashes. Kidney malfunction is often manifested by the appearance of hair without dye. This applies to hair all over the body, not just the eyelashes. Behind premature graying is also hyperthyroidism, anemia.

    Why do smokers go gray faster? Addiction has a negative impact on the absorption of vitamins, and these play an important role in our body. The greatest impact on the appearance of gray hair is the deficiency of B vitamins, including biotin, folic acid, as well as zinc, copper, iron and selenium.

    Should gray eyelashes be plucked out?

    No. A gray hair color does not mean that the hair is dead. You should wait for it to fall out by itself - perhaps it will grow back in a natural color (if you use nutrients, there's hope). In order to hide gray eyelashes, mascaras, henna for eyebrows and eyelashes are recommended, not hair removal.

    Gray eyelashes - ways

    Diseases and vitamin deficiencies should be eliminated first. To delay the aging process, you should eat healthy and avoid stimulants. A diet rich in products containing B vitamins will help to stimulate the work of melanocytes and the production of melanin, which is responsible for the pigment in our skin and hair. It is also worth supplementing field horsetail, which strengthens hair and nails. In pharmacies, we can buy special eyelash strengthening preparations.