Types of beauty: spring, summer, autumn, winter - this division makes it easier for every woman to choose the right make-up and clothing for her - each type of beauty has specific colors assigned to it, in which a given person looks best. So get to know the exact characteristics of the beauty types broken down by season and check which type you are in our quiz!
Types of beauty: spring, summer, autumn, winter - this division is a type of analysis on the basis of which every woman can choose the colors - both makeup and clothes that best suit her and emphasize her beauty the most. When determining a person's beauty type, the color of their eyes, hair and, above all, their skin color is taken into account.
The division of beauty types according to the seasons was developed in the 1980s by the American cosmetologist Carole Jackson in her book "Color Me Beautiful". Her idea for a color analysis based on the colors of spring, summer, autumn and winter quickly gained popularity. It is worth knowing that the division of beauty according to its type can also be used by men - it affects them to the same extent as women. So how exactly is it presented?
Types of beauty: spring
Skin: People of the beauty type of Spring are distinguished by a very delicate, warm complexion. Their skin quickly tans brown. The spring woman has a delicate porcelain complexion, often not devoid of golden freckles.
Hair: hair colors in spring are very diverse, the predominant blonde is: from light, through reddish, honey to very dark, but there are also hazel or light brown hair.
Eyes: Spring can have any eye color, but always in a less intense shade: blue, green or hazel. This type of beauty has a clearly separated rim, the iris from the pupil.
Recommended colors: creamy white, light green, light blue, light brown, light purple, peach, olive, but also strong red. Spring should avoid cold colors: black, navy blue, pure white, dark brown.
Make-up: spring should choose colors for lip make-up: peach or powder pink, but it can also afford a strong red. The eyeshadows in this type of beauty are dominated by pastels: from gray, through peach, pink to blue and light green. Spring should avoid strong colors in makeup (except for blood red lips makeup).
Famous spring women: Nicole Kidman, Nicole Richie, Kate Hudson, Gwyneth Paltrow
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Types of beauty: summer
Summer, although it should seem that it should be distinguished by warm colors, is actually cool - as if overshadowed by the sun, powdered. The complexion of a woman in the summer type is delicate and toned.
Skin: The summer type has a light, often milky complexion with a cold, grayish tinge. Initially, summer type people sunbathe red, but you only need a little patience to get an olive tan.
Hair: The colors of summer hair can be described as "mousy" - from greyish to blonde to light brown.
Eyes: light gray, light blue, light green, gray, hazel - all appear smoky.
Recommended colors: powder pink, blue, gray, brown, coffee with milk, red, delicate green, delicate violet, milky white, olive. A summer type person is not advised to wear black and brightly colored clothes.
Make-up: Summer looks best with a delicate make-up, the indicated eyeshadow colors are: milky brown, powder pink, beige, blue, turquoise, and lipsticks - matte red, burgundy, delicate pink.
Famous women with a summer beauty: Jennifer Aniston, Naomi Watts, Reese Whiterspoon, Jessica Biel
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What type of beauty are you? [VIDEO]
Types of beauty: fall
Complexion: it can be various - from light and porcelain, through a warm shade of skin to olive. It often happens that autumn women get sunburn and rarely sunbathe brown, they have freckles.
Hair: in every autumn woman we can find shades of red in her hair (they are often just red in various intensities) - even if the dominant color in autumn hair is brown or dark chestnut, we can find red reflections in them.
Eyes: Most often, autumn has green or brown eyes, also hazel in warm shades.
Recommended colors: red, brown in various shades, red, olive, brick red, ecru, gold, apricot, green. An autumn woman shouldn't choose pink instead.
Makeup: In autumn, it is recommended to choose eye shadows in shades: golden, brown, copper. The selection of a powder and light pink, matte burgundy lipstick will also work for sure.
Famous women with fall beauty: Cynthia Nixon, Marcia Cross, Julianne Moore
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Types of beauty: winter
Skin complexion: in this respect, the type of winter beauty is very wide - a woman-winter can have both a very fair complexion (the Snow White type) and an olive complexion, in the southern type.
Hair: it is much easier in this matter in winters: they have black hair in various shades - from light, dark brown, through jet-black to violet and graphite shades.
Eyes: The winter woman's iris has a very intense color: green, blue or brown. You can clearly see the contrast between the whiteness of the sclera and the color of the iris.
Recommended colors: black, silver, pure white, burgundy, graphite, navy blue, dark plum, violet. Winters should avoid warm colors - golden, reddish.
Makeup: In winter, it is recommended to use eye shadows in a shade of plum, navy blue, ice blue, silver. Winter can choose from intense colors of lipsticks: red, purple, pink.
Famous women with a winter beauty: Courtney Cox, Salma Hayek, Megan Fox, Liz Hurley