Popular cleansing treatments: hydrocolonoscopy, Vitafon and Body Detox promise to quickly remove toxins from the body. Are these methods effective and safe? See what specialists say about cleansing treatments.
Cleansing treatment: hydrocolonotherapy, i.e. flushing of the intestine
Hydrocolonotherapy is performed with the use of modern equipment. The treatment consists in rinsing food debris and toxic substances from the intestines with the use of warm water. It allows you to 'clean' the entire colon close to 2 meters long, unlike the enema, which cleans only the 20 cm end of the intestine. Removal of food deposits gives the impression of lightness, reduces rounding around the abdomen (but does not help in weight loss), reduces flatulence for a short time, improves mood. A few days before the procedure, you must follow a slightly digestible diet. After each bowel lavage, you must take probiotics to rebuild the gut microflora.
What does the procedure look like?
The procedure is performed lying down. Two soft plastic tubes (disposable) are inserted into the anus. Through one of them, sterile water at the patient's body temperature slowly flows into the intestine, which stimulates the movements of the colon. At the same time, the person performing the procedure gently massages the lower abdomen. Thereafter, the water containing the washed-out residues is drained through a second tube to the drain device.
Time: The procedure takes 1-1.5 hours and consists of several rinses. Hydrocolonotherapy is performed every few days for a month.
Contraindications: Gastrointestinal bleeding, inflammatory bowel diseases, acute anal fissures and fissures, bleeding hemorrhoids, recent intestinal surgery, pregnancy, acute heart failure, high arterial hypertension, abdominal hernia, renal failure, liver cirrhosis, acute anemia, intestinal cancer .
Expert opinion: The systemic efficacy of the hydrocolonotherapy treatment has not been confirmed in scientific studies. There are many publications drawing attention to the risks associated with the procedure. These may include electrolyte disturbances leading to arrhythmias, paraesthesia (hyperaesthesia), tremors, gastrointestinal motility disorders, and severe intestinal wall damage and perforation requiring bowel resection.
Cleansing treatment: vitafon, i.e. microvibrations
Vitafon is a vibroacoustic device used, among others, in in physiotherapy, as well as in the treatment of many diseases (including diabetes, hypertension, heart failure). Vitafon vibroacoustic therapy involves the action of sound vibrations (microvibration) of variable frequency in the place of the lesions. As a result, blood and lymph flow in a given area of the body is improved. Thanks to this, treatments (called phoning) accelerate the excretion of pollutants, regenerative processes, reduce swelling, improve the functioning of internal organs, and increase the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy. Since recovery is usually accompanied by an acceleration of metabolism and an increased level of toxins in the blood, vibroacoustic therapy should also be used in the area of the kidneys. Improving their work is conducive to effective cleansing of the body.
What does the procedure look like?
Depending on the area to be treated, you can sit or lie down. Vibroacoustic headphones (vibrophones) are placed on the skin, which should adhere exactly to the body in given places. After switching on the apparatus, vibrations of vibrophone membranes are transferred to the body's tissues and penetrate to a depth of about 7 cm. The vibration frequency is changed automatically, according to the device programming.
Time: Treatments should be gradually extended - from a few minutes to an hour (no more than 3 hours a day) and repeated 3 times a day. The procedure can be performed at bedtime or shortly after taking medications. The effect lasts 4-6 hours. A typical treatment lasts 2 weeks. In chronic diseases, improvement in health occurs after 3-4 months.
Contraindications: The device must not be used in the areas of thrombophlebitis, with diagnosed atherosclerosis, implanted pacemakers, malignant neoplasms, moreover during pregnancy, acute infectious diseases, in the case of fever.
Expert's opinion: Tissue micro-vibrations are constantly present in the body, they appear due to the work of the heart, muscles, and environmental influences. In the event of fatigue, overstrain and trauma, they may be somewhat weakened, which leads to a slowdown in immune responses, lymphatic fluid stagnation and venous stasis in the body. Currently, there are many studies aimed at determining the effectiveness of this method and its application mainly in therapeutic rehabilitation, treatment of respiratory tract diseases and the genitourinary system.
Cleansing treatment: body detox, i.e. soaking the feet
It is an ionic detoxification treatment performed with the use of a special device (a foot tub) that produces an appropriately modulated current of variable polarity, which causes the water to ionize. The ionized water activates the natural excretion functions, so that the cells begin to intensively release harmful substances into the blood, which are then removed through the pores in the skin of the feet into the water. Getting rid of toxins from the body continues for some time after the series of treatments. As a result, the treatments are to strengthen the immune system, support weight loss and fight various diseases, including allergies, rheumatism, improve the appearance of the skin.
What does the procedure look like?
Just dip your feet in the water and turn on the device. A change in the color of the water indicates what or what organ has been cleansed from. For example, black indicates the removal of heavy metals from the body, brown - nicotine, dark green indicates cleansing of the gallbladder, orange - joints, yellow-green - kidneys, bladder, reproductive organs and prostate.
Time: The procedure takes 30 minutes. The entire series includes 5-10 treatments performed at intervals of several days.
Contraindications: Implanted pacemaker, aneurysms, heart diseases, epilepsy, pregnancy, diabetes, cancer.
Expert opinion: The theory of restoring the balance of the body by restoring the disturbed ionic potential of cells is pure magic. The difference in potential is the essence of the operation of nerve and muscle cells, and soaking the legs does not affect their function. The final metabolites of proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, commonly known as toxins, are excreted through the skin, along with urine, feces and breath. Water-soluble particles are eliminated through the urinary tract and skin, and fat-soluble particles are eliminated through the digestive tract. The tests of the water used for the Body Detox treatment did not confirm the presence of either creatinine, urea or heavy metals, i.e. the manufacturer's promises are empty.