Pubic Hair Removal

The fashion for intimate hairstyles (or their complete absence) is becoming more and more popular. Many men are excited by a smooth-shaven pubic mound, and ladies are more likely to enjoy oral sex when their partner's penis is not drowned in a lush thicket. However, how to epilate intimate places so as not to be irritated and infected? Check out the advantages and disadvantages of various methods of epilation of intimate parts.

Epilation with an intimate razor

The most popular method of epilating intimate parts is to use a razor and foam.

Pros: availability of accessories and their low price, ease of treatment.

Cons: hair grows back quickly and becomes stronger, the treatment has to be repeated often and there is a risk of jamming in the area that heals slowly due to moisture and lack of natural airing.

Intimate epilation with a chemical preparation

Another commonly used method is epilation with a chemical epilator.

Pros: accuracy, hair grows back a little slower than when shaving, it is also weaker.

Cons: possibility of allergy to the depilatory preparation. The delicate skin and mucosa in intimate places are particularly prone to irritation, and chemical preparations can irritate it very much, even cause allergy. Therefore, before depilation, you should test whether the agent does not sensitize you.

Epilation of intimate places with an electric epilator

Another method of epilation of intimate places is to use an electric epilator. It is a painful method, even if our epilator is equipped with a cooling tip, because it does not involve pulling hairs out.

Pros: systematic depilation causes the hair to grow back slowly and become weaker, because it is removed along with the bulbs.

Cons: irritation and redness of the skin, which may persist for a long time in an intimate place. The painfulness of the procedure is the second downside - it must be clearly said that removing hair with a mechanical epilator is generally unpleasant, and in intimate places - more sensitive than the rest of the body - even more painful.

Wax depilation of intimate places

Waxing is also one of the ways to get rid of hair in intimate places. Works like an electric epilator - it removes hair by pulling it out. Therefore, the pros and cons of carrying out this procedure in intimate places are virtually identical. Wax depilation can be performed on your own - similar to the treatments mentioned so far, but the one performed in a beauty salon will be more effective and accurate. One of the disadvantages of waxing is the possibility of getting burned with wax - even more so when epilation concerns intimate zones.

Depilation of intimate places with sugar paste

Similarly, epilation with sugar mass, which is the safest among all methods and as effective as an epilator or wax, works.

Pros. Depilation with sugar paste can be used by allergy sufferers and people with sensitive skin. It is much less painful than waxing, there is no possibility of burns or skin injuries because the paste has a temperature close to body temperature during epilation. The skin after the epilation with sugar mass is only slightly red, much less than in the case of waxing.

Minuses. The downside of depilation with sugar paste is its price - on average, twice as high as wax depilation.

Laser hair removal from intimate places

Pros. Laser hair removal is as safe as shaving with a razor, it does not hurt and is very effective. The laser beam penetrates deeply into the skin and destroys the hair root. The hair dye (melanin) absorbs the energy produced by the laser, which then turns into thermal energy and irreversibly destroys the hair bulb. The condition for obtaining satisfactory results is the selection of the appropriate power and duration of the pulse, which depend on the type of skin and hair.

Minuses. The downside of laser hair removal is swelling or redness of the depilated skin. They should disappear after a few hours or a maximum of 2-4 days. During this time, do not use soap, spirit, tonics based on deodorants on irritated skin, wash with clean water or with soap-free preparations. The downside of laser hair removal is also its price - the cost of this treatment is the highest. Subsequent depilation treatments should be repeated every 4-8 weeks (depending on the part of the body and individual characteristics) until the desired effect is obtained.