Herbs help heal various skin problems, and at the same time great care for the beauty - they can smooth wrinkles, brighten the complexion, strengthen hair and nails. No wonder that herbs are in good cosmetics.
Creams, balms, shampoos and even mascaras and eye shadows - it would be difficult to find cosmetics in which herbs would not be used. There are two main reasons for this. First of all, thanks to its natural origin, herbal extracts are easily and well absorbed by the skin, hair and nails. Secondly, the herbs contain extremely valuable active substances, i.e. those whose effects can be checked and evaluated. There are many of them, and among those valuable are some of the most valuable.
Herbs in cosmetics: flavonoids
The number one cosmetic ingredient is undoubtedly flavonoid compounds contained in herbs, i.e. flavonoids. There are many of them and they have very diverse properties. They are used as a natural sunscreen because they have the ability to absorb UVA and UVB rays. They have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects on the skin, especially in combination with vitamin C, which prolongs their action. They reduce the permeability and fragility of blood vessels, restore their elasticity, thereby preventing their expansion and rupture, which is why they are an important component of cosmetics for capillaries. They are also attributed to a large role in catching and removing free radicals, which in turn prolongs the youth of the skin.
Herbs in cosmetics: essential oils
Essential oils are especially important in skin and hair care - they accelerate regenerative processes, and this means that the replacement of old cells with new ones takes place in a shorter time. As a result, the skin looks younger and the hair is stronger and more elastic, i.e. the beauty remains unscathed. All oils, although to varying degrees, also have disinfectant, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. They also improve the blood circulation of the skin, thanks to which it acquires a beautiful, fresh color. In addition, they strongly affect the sense of smell and properly selected can stimulate, calm down, improve mood - so they are used, among others in the perfume industry. Tannins are highly valued in cosmetics. They have strong astringent properties - they combine with protein substances to form a protective layer on the skin. They have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, vasoconstrict and inhibit minor bleeding and penetration of toxins deep into the tissues. They also reduce swelling. Perfect for cosmetics used, among others excessive sweating or acne skin.
Cosmetics with herbal saponins
Very many cosmetics contain saponins. This is a large group of compounds with various properties - they inhibit inflammatory processes, have anti-swelling effects, improve tissue blood supply and, as a result, their oxygenation and skin tone. But above all, they reduce the surface tension of water, creating foaming aqueous solutions, increase the permeability of cell membranes, facilitate the penetration of nutrients into the skin. Saponins are a component not only of soap, but also of face cleansers, make-up removers, tonics and shower gels.
Cosmetics with phytohormones
Phytohormones - complex substances resembling the action of female sex hormones have become an invaluable discovery for the preservation of beauty. They play the role of free radical scavengers, delay the aging process of the skin, stimulate epidermis regeneration and the production of hyaluronic acid ensuring adequate skin hydration. They have a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect. Under their influence, the blood vessels widen, and the skin becomes better supplied with blood and nourished. Therefore, phytohormones are perfect for cosmetics for mature skin care, with reduced elasticity and with a tendency to dry the epidermis.