Currently, there are sponges of various colors, shapes and even sizes on the market. But which one is right for us? Today you will learn what features of this product should be paid attention to, so that we can use it willingly and often. That's not all - I will also introduce you to my favorites. I think you will not be surprised!
How to use a makeup sponge?
Do you know how these wonders are used?
If not, it's high time to find out!
1. First, moisten the sponge with plenty of water. After that, it should increase in size.
2. Squeeze it out of excess water.
3. Repeat this step using, for example, a disposable paper towel. The sponge only needs to be slightly damp.
The product to be applied with a sponge (e.g. foundation) should be applied to the hand at first, then scoop up with a sponge and gently spread on the face. If you use concealer to cover imperfections or shadows under your eyes, you can apply it directly to the selected areas and press it in with our amazing applicator. Thanks to this application, you will enjoy perfect makeup - no streaks!
Have you ever wondered about the shapes of make-up sponges? They are available, for example, in the shape of a teardrop or cone. Such a structure allows both the application of foundation and concealer. With a larger surface area, you can apply the foundation to your face, and with a smaller area, you can reach places that are more difficult to reach, e.g. under the eyes and near the wings of the nose. There are also other sponges in various sizes, the smallest ones are even easier to reach these inaccessible places.
How to clean a makeup sponge?
Step 1.
Soak them in cold or lukewarm water. Make sure it is not hot as this will destroy the structure of the sponge material.
Step 2.
After it gets wet, apply a little soap or a little oil on it. Massage the sponge with your fingers, gently squeezing the dirt, and then rinse with cold water.
Step 3.
Allow to dry completely, point up.
By the way
When buying a makeup sponge, do not forget to check if it is soft. Only then can you be sure that the product will prove itself