Perfumes - if you want to know (almost) everything about them, read this article. You will learn how to choose perfumes, what types of perfumes are, and how perfumes and toilet waters differ. Which perfumes are used for the day and which for the evening, and how to choose perfumes to suit your personality Here is an introduction to the secret knowledge of composing and selecting fragrances.
Perfume has always been associated with luxury, wealth and the big world. Indeed, at first their fates were only associated with the aristocracy, the high society, and women whose sole task was to "lie and smell." Now they are available to everyone, unfortunately not everyone has elementary knowledge about their types, selection and method of use. Fragrances should not be underestimated. They can both encourage, tempt and persuade, as well as reject and discourage, and the more we know about perfumes, the easier it is to take advantage of all their benefits.
Perfumes: how to choose them?
The most enjoyable part of using perfume is ahead of you. A stay in a drugstore and a view of hundreds of shiny, colorful bottles with fragrances from around the world. Branded with the names of great designers, names of exotic places and equally foreign-sounding words from French and Italian. How not to get lost in the rainbow of fragrances?
It's best to start choosing the right fragrance with a scent test paper strip. We sign the stripes and sprinkle them with the scent that interests us. Then we wait an hour or two for the smell to establish itself. After this time, we choose which of the tried fragrances we like the most and spray the skin with it. If we still like the fragrance after trying it on the skin, we can buy it without fear.
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The human sense of smell ceases to function properly after about three or four smells. Therefore, it is a good idea to try the perfume on your fingertips. When your nose gets tired of excess odors, it's a good idea to smell your (non-perfumed) clothing or skin. The smell of your own body is a kind of rest and a restart for the smell. Still, let's not get ready to try more than ten fragrances at one time.
Perfumes: how to use them?
There are many schools of perfume use. Some say that it is best to get into the mist of sprinkled perfume, others that it is best to perfume your hair and clothes. Coco Chanel said that perfumes should be used in places where you want to be kissed.
You can perfume anywhere according to your preferences, remembering that the best places are those where the skin is delicate and well supplied with blood. Such places include: wrists, skin in the folds of the arms and under the knees, neckline, neck, skin behind the ears. If you decide to perfume your clothes, you should spray them from the inside, because the alcohol contained in the perfume may discolor the fabric.
Perfumes: types
The fragrances that we can buy in stores are divided according to their strength, i.e. the content of pure fragrance oils and alcohol. The individual strengths of the fragrance differ in durability, nobility and, of course, price.
Perfume is the purest and most condensed form of fragrance. They contain from 30% to 40% of fragrance oils dissolved in a very strong 90% -95% alcohol. Their smell lasts about a few hours and is very strong. They are used in the evening, due to the intensity of the fragrance and the need to protect perfumed places from the sun. The skin, moistened with such a strong alcohol, changes color very easily in contact with the sun.
Eau de parfum - the most universal and most frequently purchased form of perfume. The content of fragrance oils in them ranges from 10% -15%, and they are diluted with alcohol with a strength of 80% -90%. They can be used both during the day and in the evening. And their price is definitely lower than that of the perfume.
Toilet waters - the lightest form of perfume. The content of fragrance oils in them is a maximum of 12%, but usually ranges from 5% to 10%. The oils are diluted with alcohol with a concentration of 80%. Toilet waters are great for situations where you don't want to smell too much. They are also the cheapest form of perfume.
Producers more and more often enrich the product lines of their fragrances with deodorants, body lotions and testers. You can buy testers mainly in online perfumeries and don't let the uninteresting packaging fool you. The testers are a great choice when we want to try out a new fragrance - their packaging is small, the prices are low, and the smell is intensified many times over.
Perfume: fragrance notes
Each perfume is made up of fragrance notes, i.e. a set of fragrances that develop at different rates when in contact with the skin. Different scents evaporate from the skin at different rates, hence the idea of dividing scents into three types of fragrances.
The fragrance notes are therefore the fragrance phases that each perfume experiences when it comes into contact with the skin. There are three types of notes:
The rate at which a fragrance enters its phases varies depending on the perfume and the person wearing it. The perfume lasts longer on oily skin than on dry skin, and its smell varies depending on the individual conditions of the owner.
The top note - noticeable immediately after opening the bottle, is the decisive note that determines how we will remember a given fragrance and whether we like it. It consists of the most volatile substances that disappear very quickly on contact with the skin. It is the lightest and freshest of all notes. The head note stays on the skin from several minutes to half an hour.
Heart note - consists of low-intensity fragrances with medium volatility, therefore it is often not consciously perceptible at all, but only serves as a link between the top note and the base note. Its task is to add character and harmonize the fragrance. It appears several minutes after the fragrance is applied and lasts for 2 to 4 hours.
Base note - the last and heaviest of all fragrance notes. It is decisive in determining the nature of the fragrance. It consists of heavy, organic components of the fragrance as well as enhancers and chemical fixatives. It is from her that the "noses" - the people responsible for the production of perfumes, start creating the fragrance. The base note is felt after several dozen minutes from spraying the perfume on the skin and lasts until the fragrance is finally aired. In extreme cases, it can stay on the skin for several days.
Perfumes: how to choose them to your personality?
Each perfume is a unique fragrance composed of fragrances from the strangest corners of the world. The fragrance ingredients of a perfume can be divided into many fragrance families, each of which matches a different type of personality and personality.
Floral fragrances
Compositions dominated by flower oils. A very numerous group of fragrances eagerly chosen by women. The most commonly used flower oils are jasmine, rose, orange blossom, gardenia, violet, narcissus, tuberose, and lilac.
It is a very universal group of fragrances, it can be used by both mature women and young girls due to the great diversity. They perfectly emphasize femininity. Fragrances like: Flower Kenzo, Chloe Chloe, Lolita Lempicka.
Fruity scents
Fragrances from this family are both warm fruit and floral compositions as well as refreshing citrus-based perfumes. Most often, oils of citrus, bergamot, mandarin, cherry, apple, sweet cherry, melon, watermelon and strawberries are used for their production. They are great for energetic and optimistic people who enjoy their lives. Fragrances: D
Oriental fragrances
They include substances such as: vanilla, cedar, sandalwood, ambergris, musk, cinnamon. It is one of the heaviest fragrances with a strong, warming scent that stays on the skin for a very long time. Oriental fragrances are aimed at mysterious, seductive, self-confident and at the same time dreamy and highly sensitive women. Fragrances: YSL Opium, Dior Poison, Gucci Rush.
Aldehyde fragrances
It was created only in the early twentieth century, when chemical substitutes for fragrance oils began to be used to produce fragrances. The first fragrance that was produced with this technology was the famous Chanel N5. They are very characteristic and do not suit everyone, they are sometimes called heavy and soapy. They are best for self-confident, slightly reserved and elegant women. Fragrances: Chanel N5, D