Excessive Hair Loss and Diseases

The first symptoms of hair loss usually draw our attention and cause anxiety. This is not surprising, as excessive hair loss can be associated with adverse changes in the body. Therefore, if we feel that something is wrong - be sure to consult a doctor. But how to recognize when the problem of hair loss is so serious that a specialist diagnosis is necessary?

What does a healthy scalp look like?

When we talk about a healthy scalp, we mean the lack of persistent problems that can make life difficult. Often it is independent of us, but sometimes it is inadequate care that we ourselves lead to a state in which the skin is irritated, dry or improperly exfoliated.

Using too much styling products can also be harmful - leftover cosmetics remain between the hair, which are an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. So let's try to take care of hygiene on a regular basis, but also not to wash your hair too often, because we can violate the natural protective barrier.

If we take proper care of the skin, there is also a good chance that the condition of our hair will improve, and thus - it will fall out significantly less frequently. Therefore, it is worth striving to ensure that our care is matched to our needs.

What is excessive hair loss?

Hair loss itself is a natural process as the hair does not always remain in the growth phase. The problem, however, appears at this point when we notice that we are losing hair excessively and we are unable to stop it on our own. In the shower or while brushing - we see much more hair that remains in the bathtub drain, on the comb or even on the pillow. These are the first symptoms that should attract our attention. You should also take a closer look at the scalp itself - preferably in a mirror. Are there any visible highlights or bald patches?

Can hair loss be related to scalp diseases?

There are many factors that affect the condition of our skin and hair. The human body is extremely complicated and it is worth remembering that constant observation should be the basis for us. It turns out that our body can communicate to us about unwanted changes just by changing what our skin looks like.

With long hair, we don't always notice when something is wrong. The skin is carefully covered and if we do not feel itching or burning at first, do not realize that inflammation has just appeared.

Meanwhile, it is hair loss that can attract our attention. We then go to a trichologist, i.e. a doctor diagnosing this type of disease. During the test, he will verify what the problem is with. He will also conduct a detailed interview. Very often it turns out that complications are caused by psoriasis, dandruff and even mycosis. In such situations, you must act immediately.

What diseases can cause hair loss?

The diseases mentioned above are mainly related to the skin. However, there can be many more causes of hair loss and it is worth knowing the most popular ones. The condition of the scalp is influenced by all kinds of hormonal disorders, occurring both in young and older people - especially in women. Pregnancy, puberty, and the first signs of menopause are the main conditions that cause hormones to malfunction.

One cannot forget about intracorporeal or infectious diseases, especially when there is an elevated body temperature. Inflammation is extremely unfavorable for our entire body. Unfortunately, people who undergo or have undergone chemotherapy struggle with hair loss.

It is necessary to approach the meals consumed responsibly. The more unhealthy and processed food (we are talking about fast food, but also sweet snacks), the more likely our body will not look as we want it to. There is not only dangerous overweight or obesity, but also skin and hair problems. This is due to the lack of adequate nutrients, which are replaced with inadequate amounts of sugars and fats. So we should make sure that the most important vitamins are not lacking in basic meals.

Excessive hair loss - what is the treatment like?

The role of the doctor is to propose an appropriate treatment. It will depend on the seriousness of the problem we are dealing with. However, the key must be to eliminate the factors causing complications, or at least to silence them. It is useless to use hair loss products if they are not suited to seborrheic dermatitis or mycosis.

As hair loss can even cause stress, undergo major surgeries or discontinue contraception, the doctor's first task is to normalize the body's work. In stressful situations, it may even be a recommendation in the form of consulting a psychologist. Traumatic transitions are a common cause of health deterioration.

What else can the doctor suggest? Sometimes it is person-specific supplementation containing vitamins. These are very often lacking in the body, even due to the fact that we do not have time for regular eating, we do little sports and we rarely spend time outdoors.

Sometimes these are also treatments in specialized offices. Oxygen, needle or needle-free mesotherapy can be performed. There are also devices that use laser light, which also stimulate hair growth and at the same time reduce the problem of hair loss. The last resort are usually prescription-only steroids. However, before prescribing them, detailed research must be performed to rule out contraindications.

Proper hair care to prevent hair loss

The Vichy brand has developed a special treatment for people who struggle with the problem of excessive hair loss. The basic product here is the Strengthening Shampoo from the Dercos range. It is intended for all hair types, especially those that need gentle cleansing. The ingredients contained in this product mean that changes can be noticed after three weeks, while within six weeks there is a clinical reduction in hair loss.

You can use the shampoo several times a week. Dercos Aminexil Clinical 5 also requires regular application. The brand has created two formulas - one is intended for women and the other for men. This kind of demarcation ensures that the product is even more effective - after all, both ladies and gentlemen struggle with slightly different factors causing head hair loss. The above ampoules must be used regularly - first as an intensive treatment, and with time as a treatment supporting the effects.