How to Regenerate Skin and Hair Damaged by the Sun

The sun gives us a lot: it relaxes, improves the mood, makes the appearance more attractive. But it can also harm our skin and hair, drying and leaving all kinds of discoloration. Do you know how to help them?

When you come back from vacation, you are eager to show olive skin. Friends praise that you look beautiful, that holidays serve you. Indeed, tan is the best professional makeup - it covers imperfections, shapes the body. However, it can also be dangerous. When it fades, it may turn out to be a lot of havoc. So take sun baths very skillfully. Remember - in your youth you work on how you will look at a later age. The skin will bill you - dermatologists warns. Long and ruthlessly tanned skin loses its natural protective coat as a result of dehydration, it is dry and flaky. The collagen responsible for elasticity, which consists largely of water, dries and hardens under the influence of the sun and frequent baths. So the skin gets uncomfortably tight. Note that no moisturizing cream or lotion helps, because it is almost not absorbed, it only leaves a feeling of stickiness.

Skin imperfections funded by the sun

Sometimes it happens that from holidays we bring much more permanent "souvenirs" on the skin - discoloration, broken capillaries, new birthmarks. They remind us that we have overdone the sun. Sometimes acne gets worse, herpes appears. Then you have to use the help of specialists. Only a dermatologist will heal inflammation and assess whether new birthmarks need to be removed. I will also choose a treatment for discoloration. Some of them may require special deep exfoliation treatments, such as glycopeel, green-peel. Small discoloration, i.e. dark uneven small spots can be lightened with whitening creams. You have to wait patiently for effects up to two or three months. Individual broken capillaries on the face are closed by the beautician, but when there are more, it is better to visit a doctor of aesthetic dermatology who uses stronger methods, e.g. laser. Closing capillaries is best carried out in autumn and winter. After the procedure, you must not tan your skin for about six weeks.

The skin after the summer is "starved". Vitamins PP, A, C and E will do her good, anti-radical, i.e. anti-aging. Next year before summer, take beta carotene. It is a provitamin vitamin. A, accelerating skin regeneration and immunizing it to sunlight.

Sun-dried hair needs regeneration

The sun destroys hair. The color fades, the hairstyle goes wrong. Hair is desiccated, requires care. Under the microscope, they look like a cone - it has scales. If it is dried, the scales stick out. Hair is difficult to comb. Moisturizing masks, which are applied after washing or before, if the preparation lubricates, will help. We wrap the head with foil and a towel for two hours. A similar procedure in the hair salon is strengthened by a steam apparatus and lasts about 20 minutes. It's worth trying the old way. Egg yolk, a few drops of lemon juice and two tablespoons of olive oil mix, rub into the hair and leave for 20 minutes.

However, a single treatment may not be enough. To restore density and shine, you need to take care of them every day. Good effects are brought by the simultaneous use of shampoo and conditioner with natural herbal extracts.