Vitis Whitening teeth whitening
Vitis Whitening teeth whitening
Vitis Whitening teeth whitening
Vitis Whitening teeth whitening

Vitis Whitening

Whitening mouthwash for sensitive teeth

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xVitis Whitening teeth whitening

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Dentaid is a leading Spanish manufacturer of professional toothbrushes and other oral hygiene accessories. The company has representatives in over 50 countries around the world. Her portfolio includes a whole range of various tooth and gum care products, divided according to the criterion of use into individual brands.
One such brand is Vitis. It offers everything you need for oral hygiene, from brushes to clean interdental spaces, toothbrushes, toothpastes, mouthwash, dental floss and whitening strips to specialized products for beautiful and healthy teeth.
The Vitis brand also cares for the comfort of its customers and adds packaging or whole travel sets to the offered products. Take care of your teeth with the best products and preparations so that they stay healthy and beautiful as long as possible!

Vitis whitening mouthwash enhances the whitening toothpaste and restores the radiance of your smile.


How to use:
Rinse your mouth in the morning and evening, or whenever necessary, and then spit out.

Effect - whitewash
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Western Europe also formed


Was my all time favorite. Hope it come back in the market


Feels wonderful on your face, very light, moisturizing, you don’t know you’re wearing it. Eavens out the complexion and is just fantastic for people with clear skin that just needs a bit of luminesence. 10/10


Good price for a good quality. But while opening the perfume bottle, the cap is squeaking loudly. Its the best to spray it max 2,3 times. Not more, not less


My favourite parfume. I am allergic to most parfums but this one is nice.