STR8 Heat Resist men
STR8 Heat Resist men

STR8 Heat Resist

Deodorant spray for men

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xSTR8 Heat Resist men

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Perfumes str8 | the str8 brand was introduced to the market in 2000 and very quickly gained the favor of customers. The brand has a characteristic, timeless packaging and original, energetic fragrances. The str8 brand is constantly evolving, inspired by new trends. Her market position is getting stronger. In 2005, str8, following the path of innovation, created a new packaging and expanded the range of fragrances. The new str8 collection draws inspiration from trends in the automotive industry. The brand logo resembles a metal car license plate.

The str8 heat resist perfumed deodorant spray is a great complement to the fragrance from the same series. Effectively fights unwanted sweating, cares for the skin under the arms and leaves it beautifully fragrant and fresh for hours.

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From many manuscripts of Antiquity


Was my all time favorite. Hope it come back in the market


Feels wonderful on your face, very light, moisturizing, you don’t know you’re wearing it. Eavens out the complexion and is just fantastic for people with clear skin that just needs a bit of luminesence. 10/10


Good price for a good quality. But while opening the perfume bottle, the cap is squeaking loudly. Its the best to spray it max 2,3 times. Not more, not less


My favourite parfume. I am allergic to most parfums but this one is nice.