Dermedic Linum Emolient hair
Dermedic Linum Emolient hair

Dermedic Linum Emolient

Soothing shampoo for sensitive scalp

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xDermedic Linum Emolient hair

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I have a very sensitive scalp, so finding the right shampoo is a magician's task, but this product is good enough to buy another bottle. Benefits; is gentle on sensitive scalp, easy application, not too tangled hair (which is the bane of shampoos without SLS), actually odorless and colorless.

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The perfect shampoo for sensitive and people with AD. He saved my life. I was already in really bad condition testing other people where I didn't see any improvement. He helped me


I have a very sensitive scalp, so finding the right shampoo is a magician's task, but this product is good enough to buy another bottle. Benefits; is gentle on sensitive scalp, easy application, not too tangled hair (which is the bane of shampoos without SLS), actually odorless and colorless.


The brand dermedic, which belongs to the pharmaceutical company biogened, specializes in the production and sale of the so-called pharmacy cosmetics. Dermedic products can therefore be used not only to improve the appearance, but also as a complement to treat many skin diseases. Although they do not exist on the market for long, they have already won many awards (eg instyle best beauty buy).

Dermedic focuses primarily on customers with extremely sensitive or problematic skin. Therefore, it puts great emphasis on meeting GMP (Good Manofacturing Practice) standards.

It is also worth mentioning that the main component of Dermedic soaps, bath emulsions, creams and other cosmetics is water purified as a result of reverse osmosis, i.e. Cleansed of any potentially irritating or allergic substances. In addition, cosmetics include AHA fruit enzymes, hyaluronic acid, urea, important vitamins, etc.

In collaboration with independent laboratories and microbiologists, Dermedic is constantly striving to create new products and improve existing ones. In the wide range of the brand, certainly everyone will find something for themselves, regardless of age and sex.

Dermedic cosmetics are subjected to strict quality controls. They are very effective and at the same time safe. That is why they are recommended by the best dermatologists and pediatricians.

The Dermedic brand will certainly interest all those who suffer from skin problems, such as acne, atopic inflammation or allergies, as well as parents looking for cosmetics for their children.

Dermedic linum emolient shampoo cleans the scalp effectively, washes hair thoroughly and restores its natural beauty.



How to use:
Apply the right amount of shampoo to wet hair. Foam and rinse thoroughly.

Scalp type - sensitive scalp, normal scalp, itchy scalp
Effect - mitigation
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