Gestil Hair Loss hair
Gestil Hair Loss hair
Gestil Hair Loss hair
Gestil Hair Loss hair

Gestil Hair Loss

Shampoo against hair loss

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xGestil Hair Loss hair

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Gestil cosmetics | gestil - hair restoration. gestil is an italian brand of hair products that are distinguished by high quality, appropriate concentration of active substances and extracts while at the same time gentle action.
Toners, shampoos, masks and cheese as well as other gestil products are designed to eliminate hair and scalp problems. . thanks to the unique composition in which they are found, among others bamboo and herb extracts, products effectively restore hair health and protect it from damage.
A well-known product of the brand is gestil wonder, which restores health and beauty to heavily damaged hair that suffered from dyeing, bleaching or smog. weakened, split or excessively falling hair, the preparation will nourish thanks to the bamboo and bull gland extract.
Gestil products designed to fight dandruff, oily, dryness, excessive sensitivity and other specific problems of hair and scalp are equally effective. in contrast, styling cosmetics will give your hair the right shape, shine, nutrition and protection.
Gestil products are a great result at a low price.

Gestil hair loss shampoo cleanses the scalp effectively, washes hair thoroughly and restores its natural beauty.


Composition :

How to use:
Apply the right amount of shampoo to wet hair. Foam and rinse thoroughly.

Scalp type - all types of scalp
Hair Type - brittle hair and split ends, for weak and falling out hair
Effect - Prevention of split ends, stimulation of growth
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Was my all time favorite. Hope it come back in the market


Feels wonderful on your face, very light, moisturizing, you don’t know you’re wearing it. Eavens out the complexion and is just fantastic for people with clear skin that just needs a bit of luminesence. 10/10


Good price for a good quality. But while opening the perfume bottle, the cap is squeaking loudly. Its the best to spray it max 2,3 times. Not more, not less


My favourite parfume. I am allergic to most parfums but this one is nice.