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Summer sweating ways to sweat excessively in hot weather

Heat is pouring down from the sky, and you ... sweat. The heat usually causes excessive sweating. What to do to feel fresh and comfortable even during the hottest weather? Check out methods for excessive sweating in hot weather.

Do eyelashes grow and turn gray

Do eyelashes grow all life? Do they turn gray over time? How is it? If you are curious - check it out. By the way, we suggest how to take care of your eyelashes to make them beautiful!

Carrot seed oil application For hair and skin

Carrot seed oil is rich in beta-carotene. How to use carrot oil? What can it help us for? Are there any contraindications to using carrot oil?

Cottonseed Oil Properties and Application

Cottonseed oil has been widely used in cosmetics. Perfectly moisturizes both the skin and hair. However, not everyone will benefit from using cottonseed oil. See who should reach for cottonseed oil!

Aromatherapy Fireplace How does it Work?

The aromatherapy fireplace is not only very decorative, but also practical: it allows you to fully enjoy the effects of aromatherapy. While it's not essential, it's worth having at home if you're using essential oils or fragrance waxes. How does an aromatherapy fireplace work and what to look for when looking for the best one for you?

Beeswax properties and application

Beeswax is one of the amazing substances that bees produce. People have been using it for centuries to make candles, and beeswax also has a number of healing properties, which is why it is a popular ingredient in ointments, creams and lotions. For what ailments can we use it?

Facts and myths about antiperspirants are they harmful?

Sweating is a natural, physiological process. Often, however, we want to limit it for our own comfort. One of the types of sweating preparations that come to our aid in this situation are antiperspirants. How to choose the right one? How do antiperspirants work?

7 ways for dry rough hands Natural home and effective

It is impossible to get used to dry, rough hands - but if you wash your hands frequently and use disinfecting gels, you can struggle with this problem all year round. Hand cream alone is often not enough to effectively moisturize it. Dry skin needs regeneration, but not necessarily in a beauty salon - home remedies for dry, rough hands are equally good, especially since you probably have most of the necessary ingredients in the kitchen.

Dry Hand Skin - How to Quickly Moisturize your Hands

Dry hand skin is a problem that we have to face, especially in the fall and winter season. Of course, not only - there are some exceptions, such as frequent disinfection, soaking or working to dry the skin on the hands. How to quickly moisturize your hands and get rid of dry hand skin problems?

Excessive Hair Loss and Diseases

The first symptoms of hair loss usually draw our attention and cause anxiety. This is not surprising, as excessive hair loss can be associated with adverse changes in the body. Therefore, if we feel that something is wrong - be sure to consult a doctor. But how to recognize when the problem of hair loss is so serious that a specialist diagnosis is necessary?